Over the last four years, a regional energy company has undergone a ground-breaking transformation – the complete migration of all utilities SAP systems to a new service provider. But that’s not all: at the same time, an innovative operating model was implemented that revolutionised the areas of application, infrastructure and business process outsourcing. With a considerable project volume of up to 5 million euros, this endeavour was not only financially significant, but also represented a strategic milestone.
Work area
Project duration
about 3,5 years
about 2.000
Setting out for new horizons
The initial situation of the project was characterised by decisive changes. The impending remunicipalisation led to the expiry of all existing IT service contracts and made a comprehensive reassessment and redesign of the operational landscape unavoidable. A key aspect of this project was the need to set up a completely new working environment. This included not only the technical intricacies of reorganising the landscape, but also the complex process of drawing up new contractual agreements.
With the expired contract and the requirement for a new operational environment, a key focus was on establishing new contracts. This required skilfully navigating legal and commercial considerations to ensure that the new agreements met the evolving needs and objectives of the organisation. In parallel, an EU-wide tender process was initiated to ensure that the selection process for potential service providers met the highest standards and guidelines.
Firstly, the migration of all relevant energy systems, including IS-U Grid, IS-U Sales and IS-U Business Customers, to the new service provider was essential. This comprehensive transfer of the energy systems not only had to take place smoothly, but also ensure that all data and processes were seamlessly integrated into the new environment. At the same time, setting up a new landscape for all roles involved, including the grid, sales and business customers, was a key focus. Furthermore, new internal responsibilities and operational business processes had to be set up. This measure aimed to establish a clearly structured and efficient way of operating within the new service and working environment. The definition of clear responsibilities and business processes was intended to strengthen organisational effectiveness and enable smooth collaboration. The challenges here were:
- Different “new” service providers: Working with various new service providers presented a challenge. Each service provider had its own processes, working methods and communication structures. Integrating this diversity required precise coordination to ensure that all stakeholders could work together effectively.
- Tight deadlines: The time constraints were particularly challenging. The tight schedule put pressure on the project team, as the migration of all energy systems and the creation of a completely new landscape had to take place within a limited timeframe. This time constraint required a high level of efficiency and precise planning in order to achieve the set goals on time.
- Completely new working environment: The introduction of a completely new working environment, including the realignment of business processes and the reorganisation of the IT landscape, was another significant challenge. This required not only technical expertise, but also careful coordination with the affected stakeholders to ensure that the changes could be implemented smoothly and effectively.
Our strategy included detailed planning of the IT architecture in the context of the outsourcing model (input/output automation and business process outsourcing) for the energy sector. This included the following key aspects:
- Milestone planning: precise milestone planning was carried out to define clear stages and objectives for the project. This allowed for transparent time structuring and a clear guideline for the progress of the project.
- IT/migration planning (test cycles etc.): The planning of the IT and migration processes, including test cycles, was carried out systematically. This included defining and coordinating the individual steps to ensure the smooth integration of new systems and functions. Test cycles were strategically planned to ensure the quality and reliability of the implementation.
- Workshop planning: The organisation of workshops played a central role in the implementation of the solution. These workshops were used to involve relevant stakeholders, gather feedback and jointly develop solutions. The careful planning of these workshops ensured effective communication and the active participation of all relevant stakeholders.
Specific implementation & results
The first step was to carefully plan and further develop the SAP/non-SAP application environment. This included both the technological aspects, such as the integration of EDM (energy data management), MDM (master data management) and SAP, as well as business considerations for the optimal alignment of the application landscape. New requirements were set up using the interim model and support for the implementation of MOS Billing/IM4G within the IT landscape. This approach made it possible to react flexibly to current requirements and to integrate the implementation of MOS Billing/IM4G efficiently.
In the SAP IS-U area, particular attention was paid to customisation and optimisation. This included not only the migration of existing data, but also the integration of new functionalities and customisations to meet the specific requirements. The integration of EDM (Kisters) was considered as an additional element. Care was taken to ensure seamless integration into the overall solution and to utilise synergies between the various systems.
Overall, this solution approach pursued a holistic approach that took into account both the technological aspects of the application environment and ensured that business requirements were integrated efficiently. The focus was on creating an optimised and future-proof IT landscape that meets changing business requirements.
Technical & economic benefits
Transparent service provider model: The clear structure of the service provider model led to improved transparency and efficiency in collaboration. The clear responsibilities and processes enabled smooth coordination between different service providers and internal teams.
Lower IT costs: The reorganisation of the IT architecture and the switch to an outsourcing model led to reduced IT costs. The efficient use of external service provider resources enabled business efficiencies to be realised and expenditure to be optimised.
Automation of processes with efficient “new” solutions: The introduction of efficient “new” solutions enabled the automation of processes. This led to an increase in work speed, a reduction in error rates and an overall improvement in process efficiency in various areas of the company.
Lower personnel costs: The automation of processes and optimisation of workflows reduced personnel costs. The more efficient utilisation of resources and the clear definition of tasks led to a more cost-effective personnel structure.